What is Abhigra Citrate and what is it used for?

Abhigra Citrate belongs to a group of medicines called Phosphodiestrease. It works by helping to relax the blood vessels in your penis, allowing blood to flow into your penis when you get sexually aroused. Abhigra Citrate will only help you to get an erection if you are sexually stimulated.

What you need to know before you take this medicine - do not take this product if:

• If you are allergic to Abhigra Citrate or any other of the ingredients listed on the packaging.
• If you are taking any medicines called Nitrates as the combination may lead to a lowering of blood pressure.
• If you are taking any medication riociguate, this medicine is used for pulmonary arterial hypertension. (ie high blood pressure of the lungs)
• If you have a severe heart or liver problem.
• If you have recently had a stroke or heart attack, or if you have low blood pressure.

Warnings and precautions

• Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking Abhigra Citrate.
• If you have problems with your heart. Your doctor should carefully check whether your heart can take the additional strain during sexual activities.
• If you experience any form of headache, blurred vision you should stop taking Abhigra Citrate and consult your doctor.
• You should not take Abhigra Citrate if you are not experiencing erectile disfunction.

Children and adolescents

• Abhigra Citrate should not be given or taken by individuals under the age of 18.
• This medicine should be kept away from children at all times.

Special consideration for patients with kidney or liver problems

• You should tell your doctor if you have kidney or liver problems. Your doctor will advise you on the strength of Abhigra Citrate to take.

Other medication and Abhigra

• Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines before taking Abhigra Citrate.
• Abhigra Citrate tablets may interfere with some of your existing medication.
• In the event of a medical emergency, you should tell any health care professional treating your condition that you have taken Abigra Citrate and when.
• Do not take Abhigra Citrate with any other medications unless your doctor tells you that you can.
• You should not take Abhigra Citrate if you are using any of the medicines known as nitric oxide donors such as amyl nitrate (poppers).

Abhigra Citrate with food and alcohol

• Abhigra Citrate can be taken with or without food. However, you may find the effects required with this medication may take longer if taken with or just after a heavy meal.
• Drinking alcohol can temporarily impair the ability to get an erection.
• To obtain the maximum benefit from your medicine, you are advised not to drink excessive amounts of alcohol before taking Abhigra Citrate.

Pregnancy, breast-feeding and fertility

• Abhigra Citrate is not intended for use by women.

Driving and using machinery

• Abhigra citrate should not be used before driving. Dizziness or slight blurring of vision may occur in a few cases, so please avoid driving whilst on this medicine.

How to take Abhigra Citrate

• Always take this medicine exactly as your doctor or pharmacist has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
• The recommended starting dose is 50 mg.
• For a 50mg dose take half of a 100mg tablet.

You should not take Abhigra Citrate more than once per day

• You should take Abhigra Citrate approximately one hour before you plan to have sexual activity. Swallow the tablet whole or the required amount of the tablet with a glass of water.
• If you feel that the effect of the Abhigra Citrate is too strong or too weak talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
• Abhigra Citrate will only help you to achieve an erection if you are sexually stimulated.
• The amount of time the medication takes to work varies from person to person, but it usually takes between 30 minutes to one hour.
• You may find that the medication takes longer to work if you have taken it with a heavy meal of alcohol.

If Abhigra Citrate does not help you achieve a erection, or if your erection does not last long enough for you to complete your sexual activities you should tell your doctor

If you take more Abhigra Citrate than you should

• You may experience an increase in side effects and their severity.
• Doses above 100mg do not increase the potency.
• You should not take more tablets than your doctor tells you to.
• Contact your doctor if you have taken more tablets than you should.
• For any further medicine questions please consult your doctor.

Possible side effects

• Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects, although not everybody experiences them.
• The side effects reported in association with the use of Abhigra Citrate are usually mild and of a short duration.
• If the side effects persist please consult your doctor or pharmacist and explain the medicine you have taken and the dose level.

If you experience any of the following serious side effects stop taking Abhigra Citrate and seek medical help immediately

Uncommon Side affect, (may affect up to 1 in 100 people)

• Slight allergic reaction, symptoms include sudden wheeziness when breathing.
• Chest pains, if this occurs during or after sexual activities, get in a semi- sitting position and try to relax.
• Do not take any other medication to ease the chest pain unless told to do so by your doctor.

Rare side affect, (may affect 1 in 100 people)

• Prolonged and sometimes painful erections.
• If you have an erection that lasts for more than 4 hours please consult your doctor.
• A sudden decrease or loss of vision.
• Serious skin reaction.

Other side affects reported

Very common (may affect 1 in 10 people)

• Slight headache.
• Heightened sexual urges.

Common (may affect 1 in 10 people)

• Nausea (feeling sick), facial flushing, hot head flush.
• A sudden feeling of heat in your upper body.
• Indigestion.
• Slight blurring of vision.

Uncommon (may affect 1 in 100 people)

• Vomiting.
• Eye irritation, bloodshot eyes.
• Gastro-oesophageal reflux. (heartburn)
• Feeling Tired.
• Nosebleed.
• Severe dizziness.

Rare (may affect 1 in 1000 people)

• Irregular heartbeat.
• Reduced sharpness of vision.
• Dilation of the pupils, and discolouration of the whites of the eye.

Reporting of side effects

• If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist.
• This includes any side effects not listed in this leaflet.
• Please inform your doctor of any side effect as soon as it occurs.

How to store Abhigra Citrate

• Keep this medicine out of reach of children at all times.
• The medicine does not require any special storage conditions.
• Do not throw away any medicines via the wastewater or household waste.
• Consult your pharmacist on how to throw away medicines you no longer use. These measures will help to protect the environment.

Contents of this package and other information

• The active substance is Abhigra Citrate. Each tablet contains 100mg.
• The contents of each tablet –
Abhigra Citrate, Macuna Puriens, Polypodium (Herb Powder), L Arginine, Ginseng, Saw Palmetto, Muire Puama, Rhodiola Rosea.

Summary of statement

• If you intend to take this medicine for sexual activities you do so at your own risk.
• You are fully aware of the side effects this medicine may cause.
• Inc Product cannot be held responsible or liable for any allergic reaction due to taking the medicine described in this leaflet.

If in doubt about taking this medicine please consult the doctor or pharmacist first